Introducción El problema del par de puntos más cercanos consiste en dados \(n\) puntos, encontrar el par con menor distancia euclidiana. Aunque parezca trivial, no lo es tanto. Por ejemplo, dados...

Un algoritmo aleatorio

El misterio del coseno
Introducción Estás en el instituto una tarde cualquiera. La clase de matemáticas hoy no avanza demasiado, así que echas mano de tu calculadora y empiezas a jugar con ella para matar el aburrimient...

De los números primos a los algoritmos
Introducción Históricamente, en las matemáticas las preguntas solían ser sobre igualdades entre valores, o sobre la veracidad de ciertas afirmaciones. Algunos ejemplos: ¿Es la hipotenusa al cua...

Fibonacci with linear algebra
Fibonacci sequence The Fibonacci sequence is one of the few sequences in mathematics that are widely known among people outside of this field. Let’s remind how it works: You start with 0 and 1, th...

Mandelbrot set visualization
Probably you know the Mandelbrot set, it’s really pleasing to visualize this set, so I used my image generation library (EasyBMP) to plot it. This was the result: Source Code

Conway's Game of Life
Conway’s Game of Life it’s an interesting cellular automaton that generates interesting patterns, so I decided to create a program to test it. Source code Executable download Console argu...

Generating images with C++
Sometimes I need to generate some images with simple shapes for a little project, but i don’t want to install some heavy libraries, and this is why I decided to creaty my own single file library fo...
The simplest genetic algorithm
I was interested in genetic algorithms, so I created this small project. It was really interesting to learn about it and it’s an easy and efficient approach to some optimization problems. I also wa...
Handcrafted HTTP server
While I was learning Go, I created an HTTP server from scratch, because I was curious about the protocol and I wanted to be sure I really understood everything about it, and I read about Go being u...
Multiplayer tic tac toe
I created this multiplayer tic tac toe game some time ago while learning, and I think the result was nice, you can just open it and it will connect you with the next person joining. You ...